Adding a Teen driver to your auto policy?
August 20, 2018
Are you going to be adding a teen driver to your auto policy? Are you afraid of the sticker shock in your rates because you’ve hear from other parents the horror stories? Well, adding a teen driver to an auto policy can be a challenging time for parents anxious about their teen’s driving safety.
Here is a look at how teens drive these days. This information will help you understand the risks teen drivers pose and ways to help save money and most importantly, prepare for a conversation with their teem about driving safely.
Did you know?
- On average 6 teens die and 650+ are injured every day in the U.S. because of motor vehicle crashes?
- The risk of motor vehicle crashes is higher among 16 to 19 year olds than among any other age group?
- Their fatal crash rate per mile driven is nearly 3x the rate for drivers ages 20 and over
Signing your teen up for an approved driver education program can not only reduce their crash risk, but can potentially save you money.
- 6 out of 10 teen crashes are caused by driver distraction
- The fatal crash risk increases for each teenage passenger in a teen driver’s car
- 1 in 3 teens take their eyes off the road when app notifications come in while driving
- 88% of teens who self-identify as “safe drivers” admit to multi-tasking while driving
Before your teen hits the road, set clear rules and expectations of their behavior while behind the wheel – such as a no-phone rule and passenger limit.
Did you know?
- Crash risk is particularly high during the first months a teen is licensed?
- Teems are more likely than older drivers to speed and follow other cars at an unsafe distance?
- Compared with other age groups, teens have among the lowest rate of SEAT BELT USE
Help your teen develop safe driving habits by regularly observing their driving and providing constructive feed back. There are telematics devices that a lot of insurance companies offer now to monitor driving habits. This can be especially beneficial for a new driver. Ask your agent.
Parents are key to safer teen driving
Have you established safe driving rules with your teen?
Give us a call at King Insurance and Financial Services today for more information about how to help your teen be a safer driver and Teen Safety Rewards that are available.